Office party – Trans párty

Vazeni hoste, t-holky, vasi kamaradi, a proste t-friendly lidi, na podle pruzkumu delame pro vas  – Office party 🙂
Dress code neni nutny, ale kdo prijde v office outfitu dostane od nas maly darek 🙂 Dorazte k nam na akce v poradne zaparit 🙂
Informace o programu party budeme postupne doplnovat 🙂

Dear guests, t-girls, your friends, and other t-friendly people, according to a questionnaire we are doing for you Office party 🙂
The dress code is not compulsory but who will come in office outfit will get a small gift from us 🙂 Come to us to have fun at the party 🙂
Information about the program of the party we will gradually complement 🙂

Misto konani – Klub na Vrcholu –

Vstup – 200 kc
Entrance – 200 czk

– Disco s DJ Diane –
Disco with DJ Diane –

– Travesti show s Lena Fenty –
Travesty show with Lena Fenty –

– Foto-koutik s Martin Weis –
Photoshooting with Martin Weis –

– Make up pro vsechny zajemce od Viktoriia Kury (350 kc -akcni cena), priklady prace tady – – pocet zakazniku je omezen: maximalne 8 osob (pouze po predchozi dohode)!
Make up for all interested from Viktoriia Kury (350 czk – party price), examples of the work here – – the number of customers is limited: maximum 8 people (only after previous agreement)!

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